Tag Archives: Allgemeines

Traffic Management funktioniert nicht richtig unter 11.4.1

In der Version 11.4.1 hat sich ein Bug in den Bereich Traffic Management eingeschlichen. Eine Traffic Management Action, die eine Bandbreitenbegrenzung für den Fall enthält, dass der Verbindungsaufbau zwar in ausgehende Richtung erfolgt – der eigentliche Traffic aber von außen nach innen fließt, greift derzeit nicht!
Dies betrifft leider auch den “typischen” Anwendungsfall, dass HTTP Downloads bzw. allgemein das “Websurfen” nur eine begrenzte Bandbreite verwenden dürfen… 🙁

WSM und Fireware XTM 11.4.2

Im Software-Download-Bereich der WatchGuard Website stehen seit gestern die neuesten Verisonen WSM und Fireware XTM 11.4.2 für die Geräteserien XTM2, XTM5, XTM8 und XTM1050 bereit. WatchGuard hat den Download- und andere Customer-Care-Bereiche vor zwei Wochen ausgelagert, daher sieht die User-Anmeldeseite mittlerweile anders aus – und auch die dahinter liegenden Inhalte werden “anders präsentiert”, verstecken sich zum Teil oder sind (noch) gar nicht auffindbar… Das ändert/bessert sich hoffentlich in den nächsten Tagen/Wochen/xxx… 🙂

Die Liste der Resolved Issues der Version 11.4.2 liest sich so:


  • This release resolves an issue that caused the XTM device to lock up when configured with a combination of proxy policies, subscription services, and FireCluster. [61091]
  • A kernel memory leak and subsequent kernel crash that occured when the XTM device received many packets with MSS =0 has been resolved. [59953]
  • An issue that caused a kernel crash and complete XTM device lock up has been resolved. [59031]
  • This release resolves an issue that caused excessive logging from lighthttpd. [60508]
  • The “message” field from a WatchGuard log message now appears in a syslog message for the same traffic. [60045]
  • The ip_dst_cache cleanup timer has been improved to make sure that the ip_dst_cache table does not become full and cause packets to be dropped. [61558]
  • Dynamic DNS updates now work correctly when the XTM device is configured with a zero route branch office VPN tunnel. [56166]
  • A memory leak in the networkd process has been resolved. [61905]


  • Blocked sites that are added by IPS are now correctly removed from the Blocked Sites list when the expiration time configured to block them is reached. [60631]
  • An XTM device configured to use the server load balancing feature no longer allows connections to servers that are non-responsive. [60292]
  • Firewall policies are now applied to traffic that passs through two interfaces configured for the same VLAN (VLAN Bridge). [61352]
  • When you enable IPS on a policy configured for VLAN Bridged interfaces, it no longer causes traffic to fail though the policy. [61585]
  • This release resolves an issue that triggered MAC address flapping on Cisco switches when using an active/passive FireCluster. [60619]


  • An issue that caused some web pages to not load correctly when using Internet Explorer v8.0 has been resolved. [58259]
  • Several issues that caused some downloads to fail through the HTTP proxy when using Gateway AV has been resolved. [61291] [60654]
  • The XTM device no longer fails to send quarantined emails to the Quarantine Server. [60940]
  • A Custom SOAP web application that required 255 or more requests through the HTTP proxy now works correctly. [58097]


  • This release resolves an issue that caused the master device in a FireCluster to become idle after a Force Failover command is issued. [60217]
  • The Backup Master can now send log messages to a WatchGuard Log Server that is not on the same subnet as the management IP addresses. [61109]
  • A rule to always allow management traffic between the FireCluster management interfaces is now added automatically when you configure FireCluster. This new rule makes sure that management functions to both devices in a cluster are not blocked by policy misconfiguration. [56062]
  • This release improves the performance of FSM when connected to an active/passive FireCluster. [61886]
  • The FSM Status Report tab now correctly displays data for the backup master device in a FireCluster. [60454]

Mobile VPN with SSL

  • This release adds support for multiple Mobile VPN with SSL policies for different users/groups from Policy Manager. [60741]
  • The Mobile VPN with SSL client for Windows now connects correctly to the IP address specified by the user in the connection settings instead of always using the IP address in the Mobile VPN with SSL configuration created by the XTM device. [60082]

Mobile VPN with IPSec

  • The Mobile VPN Shrew Soft client and the Mobile VPN with IPSec client now work with certificates generated by the WatchGuard Management Server. [61380, 61060]

Mobile VPN with PPTP

  • PPTP authentication no longer fails when there are a large number of previous PPTP connections that were not terminated correctly. [61117]

Branch Office VPN

  • You can now use Branch Office VPN with an External Wireless interface. [36232]
  • Ping traffic through a Branch Office VPN tunnel is no longer given low processing priority to improve latency for ping traffic through VPN tunnels. [60427]
  • We have increased the default buffer size for the xfrm_dst_cache on the XTM device to prevent a condition where Branch Office VPN traffic stops when there are many TCP connections through the tunnel. [58141]
  • Tunnels no longer fail with a “no proposal chosen” error when you use a dynamic external interface for the tunnel Gateway. This problem occurred when the gateway name for each gateway was not unique enough, which caused the wrong gateway to be selected for Phase 2. [60594]
  • This release resolved an issue that caused VoIP traffic with the ToS bit set to fail to pass through a Branch Office VPN tunnel. [59479]


  • The Terminal Services Agent no longer uses 100% of the CPU when the first user starts an RDP session. [60111]
  • Terminal Server/Citrix users can now use the Interbase SQL client to get access to a remote server. [60847]
  • A Terminal Services Agent installation problem that occurred on some servers has been resolved. [60848]
  • Radius Authentication for PPTP users now works correctly on XTM 2 Series devices. [61164, 61151]
  • The deny message shown for authentication denies that occur because only one authentication is allowed for the same user account has been improved. [59214]
  • We have improved performance when many users authenticate to the XTM device using Firebox-DB authentication. [61760]


  • Firewall policies can now be applied to intra-VLAN traffic. [61382]
  • The Management Server can now correctly apply updates to remote devices using dynamic external interfaces. [61141]
  • When you upgrade from Fireware XTM software v11.3 or earlier to v11.4.x, IPS is no longer disabled for policies that previously had IPS enabled. [61108]
  • Configuration saves now take effect without the need to reboot on XTM 5 Series appliances running v11.4 or v11.4.1. [60074]
  • This release resolves an issue that caused some Management Server backups created in v11.4 to fail to restore. [61075]


  • A problem that caused custom web server certificates to not generate correctly has been resolved. [61421]
  • Management connections no longer fail because a web server certificate has many DNS names. [56441]

WatchGuard Log Server

  • LogViewer searches no longer fail to find a match after a new installation of the WatchGuard Log Server. [60411]
  • The WatchGuard Server Center no longer shows an abnormally high maximum database size immediately after a change is made to lower the database size. [61378]

Firebox System Manager (FSM)

  • FSM connections no longer fail if there are three or more FSM instances connected to the same XTM device. [61728]
  • Traffic Monitor no longer stops displaying log messages after a PPTP connection. [61227]

WatchGuard plant indirekte Preiserhöhung zum 1. Dezember 2010

Heute erreicht mich die Nachricht, dass WatchGuard mit dem Erscheinen der Dezember-Preisliste die Einkaufskonditionen für den Handelskanal um 10% kürzen wird. Dies hat direkt zur Folge, dass die Abgabepreise an gewerbliche und öffentliche Endkunden (“Straßenpreis”) um eben diesen Differenzbetrag STEIGEN werden. Bitte berücksichtigen Sie dies bei langfristigeren Projekten!
Für Bestandskunden ist es sogar sinnvoll, eventuell noch im NOVEMBER anstehende Live Security und UTM Lizenz Verlängerungen zu kaufen, selbst wenn das eigentliche Verlängerungsdatum erst weiter in der Zukunft liegt! Hinweis: selbst bei vorzeitiger Verlängerung der Services GEHT NICHTS VERLOREN. Die neu gekaufte Laufzeit wird automatisch an das Ende der bisherigen Laufzeit angehängt!

XTM: Ankündigung 11.4 – neue Funktionen

Im November oder Dezember 2010 wird WatchGuard die neue Version Fireware XTM 11.4 herausbringen. In der neuen Version der XTM Software stecken etliche neue Funktionen:

  • Application Control
  • neue Intrusion Prevention Service (IPS) Engine
  • Terminal Service Authentication
  • Authentication Enhancements
  • Rogue Wireless Access Point detection
  • Multi-Box und Logging Reporting Erweiterungen

Die größte Neuerung ist Application Control. Mit diesem neuen Bestandteil des Security Service Bundles erkennt eine WatchGuard XTM Appliance (Achtung: nur die aktuellen XTM 2, XTM 5, XTM 8 und XTM 1050 Appliances werden diese Funktion unterstützen!) über 1500 Web-Anwendungen innerhalb des üblichen HTTP- und HTTPS-Verkehrs und bietet die Möglichkeit, den Zugriff darauf auf User-Basis, Gruppenmitgliedschaften und der Tageszeit zu steuern (Block oder Allow) und auch entsprechende Reports darüber zu erzeugen.
Das Beta-Programm für die Version 11.4 wird in wenigen Tagen anlaufen, zudem bietet WatchGuard aktuell eine Reihe von Webinaren an, in denen die neuen Funktionen in Live Sessions vorgestellt werden.

Abkündigung der Firebox X e-series zum 31.12.2010

WatchGuard wird den Verkauf der Firebox X e-Series am 31.12.2010 einstellen. Bereits seit einigen Monaten empfehle ich allen meinen Kunden, statt einer Firebox X e-series ein Produkt aus den neuen Gerätefamilien XTM 2, XTM 5, XTM 8 oder XTM 1050 zu kaufen. Die Nachfolgeserien verfügen jeweils über doppelt so viel Hauptspeicher und schnellere CPUs als die vergleichbare X e-series und sind daher auch vom Investitionsschutz-Gedanken her für eine längere Einsatzdauer geeignet.
Dennoch brauchen Kunden mit einer Firebox X e-series nicht befürchten, ab dem nächsten Jahr im Regen zu stehen. Das End-Of-Life Datum ist erst in 5 Jahren, am 31.12.2015. Bis zu diesem Endtermin können Live Security und UTM Services verlängert werden. Auch Software-Updates werden bereit gestellt, wobei neue Funktionen jedoch teilweise nur für die neuen XTM Geräte-Generationen freigeschaltet werden können – wie bereits jetzt im Fall des neuen Features “RED” (Reputation Enabled Defense).
Ich hatte die WatchGuard End-of-Life Policy bereits hier einmal ausführlicher beschrieben: http://de.watchguard-blog.com/2009/07/end-of-life-datum-25102009.html.

Command Line Interface (CLI) auf Port 4118 tcp

WatchGuard Firebox e-series und XTM Systeme mit Software 10.x oder 11.x bieten auch die Möglichkeit der Administration und Programmierung im Kommandozeilenmodus (CLI). Ausnahme: X Edge e-series mit v10.x. Hierzu läuft auf der WatchGuard ein SSH-Daemon, der auf Port 4118 tcp hört. Dieser Port ist Bestandteil der standardmäßig im Regelwerk enthaltenen Firewall-Regel “WatchGuard”, die ebenfalls standardmäßig den Zugriff auf die “Firebox” von “Any-Trusted” und “Any-Optional” ermöglicht. Das From-Feld dieser Regel kann natürlich auch so erweitert werden, dass der Zugriff über das Internet oder für mobile User möglich wird (Sicherheitsüberlegungen berücksichtigen!).
Das CLI kennt wie das WebUI zwei User: status und admin. Zu status gehört immer das lesende Kennwort der Firebox (status passphrase). Zu admin gehört immer das schreibende Kennwort der Firebox (configuration passphrase).
Wenn Sie nun über einen SSH-Client (z.B. PuTTY) eine SSH-Verbindung zu Port 4118 öffnen und sich als admin an der Firebox anmelden, können Sie dort zunächst durch die Eingabe eines Fragezeichens (?) eine Übersicht der verfügbaren Befehle anzeigen lassen:

Hier findet sich unter anderem auch der Befehl “reboot”, über den die Firebox durchgebootet werden kann. Gerade bei Fireboxen mit v10.x ist dieser Einstieg manchmal “der letzte Rettungsanker”, wenn durch Memory Leak Effekte der Hauptspeicher auf der Firebox zugelaufen ist und die Firebox in Folge den Daemon abgeschaltet hat, über den sich der WSM mit der Firebox verbindet…
Ebenfalls sehr hilfreich ist der CLI-Befehl “ping”, der es ermöglicht, pings direkt von der Firebox aus zu verschicken.
Theoretisch kann über das CLI auch eine weitgehende Administration des Gesamtsystems erfolgen, also auch Konfigurationsänderungen etc., jedoch kommt dies in der Praxis eher selten vor. WatchGuard bietet hierfür unter http://www.watchguard.com/help/documentation/xtm.asp eine umfangreiche PDF: die Command Line Interface Reference.

X Core und Peak out-of-the-box auf 11.3.1 updaten

WatchGuard X Core und X Peak e-series Modelle werden auch heute noch ab Werk mit der Software-Version 10.2 ausgeliefert. Ich führe derzeit folgende Schritte aus, wenn ich die Produkte out-of-the-box auf die aktuelle Version Fireware XTM 11.3.1 updaten möchte (Voraussetzung: Dual-Install eines WSM 10.2.x und WSM 11.3.1 auf dem Installations-PC vorhanden, feste IP de PC z.B., verbunden mit eth1 der Firebox):

  • Registrierung der Firebox im Live Security Account auf der WatchGuard Website (vorab).
  • Feature Key (Lizenzdatei) herunterladen und in einer Textdatei speichern (vorab).
  • Starten der Firebox in den Recovery Mode (Up-Arrow-Button gedrückt).
  • Ausführen des “Quick Setup Wizard” der WSM 10.2.x Installation und Befüllen mit Dummy-Werten (IP-Adresse des Trusted Interface jedoch nach wie vor auf setzen, Feature Key importieren).
  • Nach dem Reboot der Firebox WSM 11.3.1 starten und “Connect to Device” (
  • Policy Manager der 11.3.1 starten
  • File > Upgrade; Configuration Passphrase eingeben und aktuelle utm_core_peak.sysa-dl auswählen (11.3.1); Meldungen durchbestätigen, kein Backup-Image speichern.

Ich habe festgestellt, dass ein direkter Update-Versuch einer Factory Default 10.2 Firebox über den “Quick Setup Wizard” des WSM 11.3.1 scheitert, weil der Installer nach ca. 2-3 Minuten an folgender Stelle hängenbleibt:

Danach geht es auch nach 10-15 Minuten nicht weiter und der Quick Setup Wizard 11.3.1 muss mit einer Fehlermeldung abgebrochen werden. Zum Erfolg führte dann in der Regel das weiter oben beschriebene Verfahren in einer Dual-Install-Umgebung.

WatchGuard WSM und Fireware XTM 11.3.1

Dies ist die Bugfix-Liste für die aktuellen Versionen WatchGuard System Manager (WSM) und Fireware XTM 11.3.1, die im Download-Bereich der WatchGuard-Webseite zur Verfügung stehen:


  • This release resolves an issue that caused the logging process on a Firebox or XTM device to crash. [55676]
  • This release resolves an issue that caused the Firebox or XTM device to crash when used with PPPoE. [43811]
  • Notification for blocked sites now works correctly. [45148]
  • The unlock.exe program now supports non-ASCII characters in the file name. [42599]
  • This release resolves an issue that caused authentication to fail with the log message: wgcgi timeout after prcs msg error. [44887]
  • Traffic and management connections no longer stop when you retrieve a support.tgz file from a Firebox or XTM device running under a heavy connection load. [44956]

Fireware v10.x to Fireware XTM v11.x Upgrade Issues

  • A problem that caused the error message “INTERNAL_ERROR: The element ‘backup-firebox-ip’ has a length of 19” to appear when you upgrade from Fireware v10.x to Fireware XTM v11.x has been resolved. [42653]
  • When you upgrade a centrally managed Firebox X Edge from v10.x to Fireware XTM v11.x, the traffic control, WebBlocker custom profiles, and the Allow all traffic trusted<->optional settings are now correctly preserved during the upgrade. [43712]
  • When you upgrade a Firebox X Edge from v10.x to v11.x, IKE Keep-Alive is no longer enabled during the upgrade if it was not previously enabled in your v10.x configuration. [44219]
  • A problem that caused a Management Server upgrade from Fireware v10.x to Fireware XTM v11.x to fail because of long managed alias names has been resolved. [44232]

Fireware XTM Web UI

  • You can now successfully open and use Bandwidth Meter from the Web UI with no syntax errors. [41911]
  • You can now successfully add WebBlocker exceptions from the Fireware XTM Web UI with no “Code 8: Error 9” error message. [43744]
  • The Fireware XTM Web UI login window now appears correctly when you use Safari on Mac OS X “Snow Leopard” without the need to refresh the browser. [42791]

WatchGuard System Manager

  • You can now successfully install WatchGuard System Manager when Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Management Studio is running on your computer. [44981]

WatchGuard Servers

  • Email released from the Quarantine Server is now correctly delivered to all recipients, instead of just the first recipient in the list. [43875]
  • The Quarantine Server can now handle the apostrophe character (‘) in email addresses. [56221]
  • The Quarantine Server can now handle the dash character (-) in email addresses. [45267]
  • The Quarantine Server automatic scheduled user notification no longer stops after 2-3 days with a pyadapter exception error. [56109]
  • A problem that caused the Report Server to occasionally fail to complete reports has been resolved. [45486]
  • The default log level for WatchGuard System Manager server applications has been set back to “Warning” instead of “Debug” to keep unnecessary log messages from accumulating. [56290]
  • The Reporting Web UI now works correctly after you upgrade WatchGuard Server Center from v11.2.x to v11.3.x [55879]
  • We have resolved an issue that caused Report Server instability when you generate the Denied Packet by Client report for a large set of log messages. [56344]
  • A problem that caused the WatchGuard Server Center restore function to sometimes fail to restore a backup file with an exception error has been resolved. [55984]
  • You can now use the Reporting Web UI to access archived reports when the report generation time on the Report Server is set to a time later than 12:00 pm. [56286]
  • The installation of WatchGuard Server components no longer fails with the error: “Management server failed during -unconfig mode 1”. [44238]
  • The Management Server no longer fails to start after you restore a backup file on a computer on which the log directory specified in the WatchGuard Server Center configuration does not exist. If the log directory path does not exist, the default directory path will be used. [44380]
  • The Log Server backup process no longer fails when you use a non-English OS and the default Log Server configuration settings. [44563]
  • The Management Server no longer fails after you restore a backup file created with WatchGuard Server Center v10.2.x to a v11.x Management Server. [43201]

Policy Manager

  • You can now successfully configure a bridge interface with a user-defined name. [55827]
  • You can now connect to and make configuration changes to a Firebox or XTM device running Fireware XTM v11.1 from a management computer running WSM v11.3.x. [55834]
  • The FTP proxy setting to restrict the maximum number of failed logins per connection now operates correctly. [55721]


  • Web Server certificates are now correctly imported and displayed in Firebox System Manager. [55758]


  • The stability of an active/active FireCluster running under a heavy connection load has been improved. [55728]
  • The passive device in an active/passive FireCluster no longer becomes unreachable when you change the management IP address of the backup master. [56064]
  • In an active/active FireCluster, the Mobile VPN with SSL “Bridge VPN traffic” option now operates correctly. [40608]


  • DF settings are now available when your Firebox or XTM device is configured in drop-in or bridge mode, in addition to routed mode. This setting is available on the Advanced tab of an interface configured as External. [44258]
  • On the XTM 2 Series, traffic no longer fails across bridged interfaces when the bridge consists of Ethernet ports eth0-eth2 and eth3-eth5. [55737]
  • You can now configure the Firebox X Edge e-Series and XTM 2 Series devices to forward DNS queries. Note that you can only enable this feature with the CLI; it is not available in Policy Manager or the Web UI. [42709]
  • It is now possible to add up to 200 traffic management objects. [55796]
  • A previously expired connection can no longer be re-opened when traffic matching the expired session is received. [45286]
  • The blocked site limit has been increased from 154 to 1000. [40362]
  • If a WINS server address is not defined in the configuration, the Firebox or XTM device now keeps the WINS server address blank when using DHCP. [41622]
  • When using a dynamic NAT entry from one VLAN to another VLAN, the Source IP address is no longer the primary external IP address of the Firebox. [43838]
  • After a proxy connection is closed, the Firebox or XTM device continues to accept and drop lingering connections from the remote server for a short period of time. This is done to prevent “auto-block packets not handled” from occurring due to a late reply packet from the server for a closed connection. [43866]
  • 1-to-1 NAT now takes precedence when policy-based dynamic NAT is configured to use “Set source IP”. [44257]
  • A Gratuitous ARP is now issued when you change the MAC address in the Network Interface setting to “override MAC address”. [55799]
  • The Firebox or XTM device will now send a Gratuitous ARP (GARP) every hour for interface IP addresses. The GARP is performed each hour to make sure connected devices have correct ARP entries for the Firebox IP addresses. [55811]
  • The Firebox or XTM device now correctly supports the number of allowed authenticated users per model. [56012]
  • NAT loopback will now operate correctly when the connecting client uses a zero route branch office VPN tunnel. [45149]
  • Connection rate limiting now operates correctly for inbound traffic. [43023]


  • We no longer support SSL v2 in the HTTPS proxy in order to better comply with PCI scans. [55908]
  • This release resolves an issue that caused attachments sent through proxies to become corrupted. [40829, 55736, 56207]
  • We have improved the stability of our proxy technology. These changes fix problems that caused some proxy processes to crash. [44786, 45209, 55601, 55663,55693,55794, 55813, 45458]
  • This release resolves an issue that caused AV scans to fail after reboot. [56043]
  • When an email is quarantined as spam by the SMTP proxy, a “200 OK” message is now sent to the sending server. [44224]
  • The H.323 ALG media channel timeout no longer causes calls to be dropped after 900 seconds. [44945]
  • The H.323 ALG now correctly deletes expired connections. [44573]

Security Services

  • This release resolves several problems that caused spamBlocker to crash. [43787, 44194, 44518]
  • This release resolves an issue that caused Internet Explorer to display “friendly HTTP error messages” instead of the WebBlocker deny message if the deny message did not have enough characters in it. [44893]
  • The RED daemon no longer crashes on the passive device in an active/passive FireCluster. [56141]
  • The IPS security service no longer adds IP addresses to the blocked sites list when it is configured only to drop traffic. [45281]
  • The WebBlocker Override feature now operates correctly with VLAN interfaces. [43632]


  • In proxy traffic log messages, the network interface name now appears correctly as the name you assign the interface and not as a network alias. [56243]
  • A Firebox or XTM device now generates a log message when the maximum number of concurrent packet filter connections has been reached. [41801]

WatchGuard XTM 2 wird warm

Die aktuellen WatchGuard XTM 21, XTM 22 und XTM 23 Appliances werden im laufenden Betrieb recht warm. Einige Kunden sorgen sich daher über die dauerhafte Zuverlässigkeit. Ich darf folgendes Original-Zitat des PM wiedergeben:

“The 2 Series enjoys a more powerful set of components than were available at the time of Edge development. These components produce more heat that must be dissipated out the 2 Series case. Part of the design of the case is to use the bottom plate as a heat sink, in order to move the heat away from critical components. As such, the user may sense that the bottom plate, or the case overall, is warm or hot to the touch. This is expected, and even desirable to keep the product running in optimal fashion for the entire product life. It is within specifications for this device, and a similar heat output to many laptop computers and power supplies sold into consumer markets.
There is actually a KB article on the 2-Series wireless ‘heat’. Also in the wireless version, we’ve put more powerful, heat producing components in this design as compared with Edge, and we use the bottom plate as a heat sink, which actually siphons the heat away from the sensitive components and keeps your equipment running properly. You know it’s doing its job if it’s warm. Also, it’s been tested many times and is within engineering tolerance.”

Laut WatchGuard ist die Wärmeentwicklung also kein Grund zur Besorgnis. Ich empfehle jedoch darauf zu achten, dass die Wärmeabfuhr über die Unterseite des Geräts nicht behindert wird: Stellen Sie die XTM 2 NICHT oben auf ein anderes Gerät, das ebenfalls warm wird wie z.B. ein DSL-Modem oder einen DSL-Router. Wenn die XTM 2 in einem sehr kleinen abgeschlossenen Gehäuse oder Schrank betrieben werden soll, prüfen Sie bitte ob auch die Wärmeabfuhr aus diesem Schrank heraus gewährleistet wird. Und schützen Sie das Gerät vor direkter Sonneneinstrahlung, die das Gerät nur zusätzlich aufheizen würde…

XCS Feature Keys ohne Firmennamen

In den letzten Monaten hat die Registrierung einer WatchGuard XCS E-Mail Security Appliance dazu geführt, dass ein sehr umfangreicher “Feature Key” (Lizenzdatei) generiert wurde, in dem unter anderem auch der Firmenname enthalten war, über deren Account die Box aktiviert wurde. Wenn im Firmennamen z.B. Non-ASCII Zeichen wie äöüß enthalten waren – oder sogar nur das &-Zeichen einer “GmbH & Co. KG”, gab es beim Import des Feature Keys in das Produktivsystem Schwierigkeiten.
Stand HEUTE sieht ein Feature Key für eine XCS-Box anders aus und enthält auch keinen Firmennamen mehr:

Serial Number: B0E10024xxxxx
License ID: B0E10024xxxxx
Name: 07-06-2010_17:23
Model: XCS170
Version: 1
Feature: ATTACHMENT_CONTROL@Mar-12-2011
Feature: CONTENT_RULES_EMAIL@Mar-12-2011
Feature: CONTENT_SCANNING@Mar-12-2011
Feature: EMAIL
Feature: KASPERSKY@Mar-12-2011
Feature: LIVESECURITY@Mar-12-2011
Feature: OCF_EMAIL@Mar-12-2011
Feature: OUTBREAK_CONTROL@Mar-12-2011
Expiration: never
Signature: x-x-x-x-x-x