WatchGuard Knowledge Base Updates Juli 2024
WatchGuard veröffentlicht jeden Monat neue Artikel und andere Inhalte in der >> WatchGuard Knowledge Base. Dabei werden u.a. häufige Fragen beantwortet und bekannte Probleme bearbeitet.
So auch im Juli 2024:
- Restoring a backup image to a Firebox causes a timeout error
- How do I continue service for a device that includes 3 months free as part of an MSSP activation bundle
- I cannot log in to my computer after I install the AuthPoint agent for macOS
- WatchGuard MDR Program Guide
Known Issues
- Performance issues in 10 Gigabit Ethernet (10GbE) networks with Endpoint Security macOS protection version 3.04 or later
- Process ID Does Not Exist error message when you perform the Delete File action on a macOS device in ThreatSync
- Endpoint Security Decoy Files create temporary files and folders after backup sessions
- Endpoint Security performance issues or error message when accessing files in multi-user environments
- Enable ThreatSync toggle does not stay enabled on the Configure Device Settings page for access points
- Passive FTP connection fails through FTP-Proxy
- Endpoint Security protection mode shows as “Not Set” within the History of blocked programs list
- Interface eth0 fails to initialize on Dimension v2.2.x after reboot
- Files selected from the incidents list on the Endpoints page in ThreatSync do not show in Delete/Restore dialog box
- Mobile VPN with SSL v12.10.4 cannot connect to a Firebox when you use macOS Sonoma 12.x
- Allowed (Audit Mode) label does not show in list on Incidents and Endpoints pages in ThreatSync
- The file name does not show in the Delete/Restore dialog box when you try to delete a file from a macOS device in ThreatSync
- Cannot capture unilateral packets with arguments on wired VLAN interfaces on AP230W and AP430CR
- After upgrade to Fireware v12.10.4, authentications fail
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